February 2006

Monday, February 27, 2006

Why I like working with contractors


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Then and Now

We will put your money in a
lock box to protect you.

We will put your liberty in a
lock box to protect you.

TLMIMHIP: "Foxy Lady" - Jimi Hendrix

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Mood Swings


TLMIMHIP: Tinnitus

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy Day

The sun is out. The air is crisp and cold. And the bid opening last night for the high school remodel came in a million dollars under budget. Fuck off all of you, I'm in a good mood.

TLMIMHIP: "I Will Survive" covered by Cake

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Tip of the hat to Jake for finding this. This is a disturbingly accurate portrayal of my personality.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Bogeys on the blankets and snot on the sheets

The whole house has been sick for the past week. I never thought such a small person could produce so much mucus. We would have dug a hole and buried ourselves in the backyard if it weren't so much work. It's snowing now and I have to work.

TLMIMHIP: "Drunken Lullabies" - Flogging Molly, another one of The Boy's favorites.

Friday, February 03, 2006

More evidence that The Boy is on the path to surpassing his parents in coolness (and you thought that wasn't possible) is his new favorite CD he makes up play over and over again. Rafi? No. The Wiggles? Fuck me. He points to the stereo and grunts until I put in The Pogues If I Should Fall From Grace With God.

A lot of people try to control their kids' personalities. I try not to. I don't care if he's going to be professional or blue collar, athletic or nerdy, gay or straight, tall or short, but I have to admit I'm glad he likes good music.

TLMIMHIP: "South Australia", which I had been missing until I was given the CD version of the album a few years ago.

PS: A note to those of you with access to NY or DC, I hope you already have your tickets to their reunion shows in March, cause they're sold out.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Saint Groundhog's Day. The sun is out. I don't think we don't have any groundhogs here, but we do have marmots, and they say six more weeks of bitchin' powder. Maybe I'll have snow for my Solstice hike this summer. Five weeks on the caffine wagon. Starting to notice the health improvements.

TLMIMHIP: "How 'Bout You?" - Monkey Puzzle

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Worms, The Spice

A U of I grad student found a rare Palouse Earthworm last spring while working on a dig on Smoot Hill. All these years living here and I'd never heard of them until today. The last one was found almost 20 years ago, so it's not likely that I would have seen one while digging irrigation ditches in college. Apparently these worms can grow up to three feet long, but are not to be consfused with Cousin Earl's three foot maggots, so hopefully I don't have to worry about the china and television disappearing.

...and he gave me a look--that chills me to this day